Every movement of Taekwon-Do is scientifically designed with specific purpose and a skilful instructor may, therefore, develop in the student a belief that success is possible for anyone.
Constant repetition teaches patience and the resolve to overcome any difficulty. The tremendous power generated from one’s body develops the self-confidence to meet any opponent, at any place, and in any situation. Sparring teaches humility, courage, alertness and accuracy, adaptability as well as self-control.
Pattern teaches flexibility, grace, balance and coordination, while the fundamental exercises develop precision and teaches the method, principle, imagination and purpose. Eventually, this training permeates every conscious and subconscious action of the student. These can be grouped into these 5 benefits;
Those who are mentally strong have clearly defined goals and a pre-written path to achieving them. In life, success comes from completing a series of small goals in order to achieve a major one. This is exactly the same way taekwondo operates, as you practice technique after technique and are ultimately rewarded with mastery.